(PM) l-0/1 LED's and Memory (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 17:35:48 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time portmasters@one.net shaped the electrons to say...
>- Is it just me ? Or are there simply a lot of red/green led's on the
> line0 and line1 that just dont work/ burn out. We have a _ton_ of PM3's
> that do all ISDN and dialup. Im missing a few lights :(

I haven't heard of it burning out. But we do have a nuisance bug apparently
where the LEDs don't always reflect reality. We're looking at that, but
there are functionality issues which have priority.

>- Why does LE ship new PM3's with 4 megs of ram when (AFAIK) the latest OS
> needs 16 to run minimum. Again, I may be wrong about this, if so, Im

You are wrong in this case, 4MB RAM is *more* than enough for nearly all
users. The only reasons you'd need more than 4MB RAM is if you were to
run BGP (and a very small number of users do) or if you have such huge
routing tables that they did not fit in 4MB. I can recall 2 customers who
had this problem, and both of them admitted that their network was not
optimally designed - no aggregation, thousands of host routes, etc.

Rarely does any user need more than 4MB.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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