Re: (PM) Getting EQL to work (fwd)

Jake Messinger (
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 16:59:53 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Robert M. Gutierrez wrote:

> Linux EQL is round-robin packet distribution. Each non-fragmented
> packet is sent to the next port, and so on. Cisco uses this for so-called
> load sharing.
> Livingston uses a bucket brigade flow, in that when the first port
> fills up, it flows to the second port. Hence the guideline to set
> the MTU to something-low to force the port to "spill" over to the
> other port with fragmented packets.

Where in what guide are you reading this?

Load balancing means to "balance" the load between 2 or more ports. This
is verbatim from the Config Guide: "When multiple ports are in use, each
packet is queued on the port with the least amount of traffic in the
queue. " By definition, this means that it uses 1 then the other, then
the first, then the 2nd, etc, as in round-robin. Why would EQL work
differently? It was designed specifically to attach to PM 2's.

Also per the guide:

Ports with very different speeds should not be combined for load
balancing purposes. The overall throughput for a given number of ports is
approximately equal to the number of ports multiplied by the throughput of
the slowest port.

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
8300 Bissonnet #400 fax: 713-774-3498
Houston, Texas 77074

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