Re: (PM) Livingston manager spamming!

Damien T. (
Sun, 16 Nov 1997 18:50:14 -0800 (PST)

At 01:40 PM 11/13/97 -0800, Kevin from Ascend wrote:

>OK, I got it...Ascend SPAM is bad since that's really SPAM.*
> Livingston SPAM is OK since we like Livingston ;)

No, the difference is that the Livingston UCE was sent to individual ISPs on
a list he put together himself. The mailing from Ascend was "spammed" to
the portmaster-users mailing list, so were really comparing two different
tactics. That's my recollection, anyway...but a year is a long time.

Had he sent his message to the ascend-users mailing list instead, then we'd
be comparing the same type of abuse.

>* I eventually found out who did this, and was quite an
>eye-opener to their Boss, and needless to say we don't use that firm for our
>lead-generating since then.

That's good. The really bad part was that I called the 800 number in the
message to get more info, and the telemarketers at the other end did not
know what I was talking about, and instead began rambling about detailed
technical specs (ppm, etc) of the (then new) high-end something or
another...the TNT I think. Finally the guy gave me another 800 number to
call to a non-outsourced Ascend sales person.

In your defense, I will also note that Ascend's marketing efforts are not
nearly as annoying as the other vendors I mentioned (sans Livingston). We
don't get much unsolicited e-mail or phone calls from Ascend, which makes me
happy. We know where you are when we want something <g>!

Anyway, I thought this thread was dead, and as much as I hate to continue it
at all, you deserve to know where I was coming from with the comparison, and
understand that it has nothing to do with Livinsgton vs Ascend, but rather
the content and mechanism for delivery.


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