Re: (PM) PM3 rebooting itself.

Charles Scott (
Sun, 16 Nov 1997 17:01:11 -0500 (EST)

I noticed the same thing last Friday on one of our PM3's that has some=20
20 dedicated dial-up connections and the first PRI in a group of 5. It=20
appears to have rebooted itself 3 times in one day, but hasn't since=20
then. I was going to check it physically on Monday. This is the first=20
time I've seen this with a PM3 (all of ours are now at 3.7.2). None of=20
the other 3 PM3's in that group were affected. ... Well, now that I look,=
it appears that the second PM3 in that group rebooted Saturday morning.=20

Chuck Scott, Freeway

On Sun, 16 Nov 1997, Christer Olsson wrote:

> Today, our PM3 did a reboot itself with four users connected.=20
> I haven't seen that before and we upgraded to K56flex about three weeks=
> ago and is running ComOS 3.7.2.=20
> I've read that some other customers noticed that problem. Of course it's=
> a big problem because I'm sure the power was good (good weather today,=20
> and no other machine rebooted or went down).
> Just wonder if Livingston is working with this problem? I think it=B4s so=
> form of ComOS panic during several failure caused by some bug.
> -
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