Re: (PM) How does a PM select auth. server? (fwd)

Robert M. Gutierrez (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 11:53:31 -0800

Don't mean to be a pain ... Whan will support for timeouts and trys
be in comOS?


! Radius config -- searches servers in order here
! (MUST define auth and acct-ports in our case for oddball ports)
radius-server host x.x.x.x auth-port xxxx acct-port xxxx
radius-server host x.x.x.x auth-port xxxx acct-port xxxx
! Half-life for unresposive radius servers (default is 0 minutes)
radius-server dead-time 0
! Radius server search list recursive times (default is 2 times)
radius-server retransmit 2
! Radius server request timeout (default is 5 seconds)
radius-server timeout 5
! Force radius to use specific source address (interface address)
ip radius source-interface ethernet 0


On Fri, Nov 14, 1997 at 11:11:34AM -0800, MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Robert M. Zachok shaped the electrons to say...
> >Does anyone know the algorithm that a portmaster uses when
> >determining which server it will use for authentication requests?
> Try primary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Try primary and secondary
> 3 seconds
> Give up.
> -MZ
> --
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