Re: (PM) K56FLEX in France

Christophe Prevotaux (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 09:17:35 +0000

Stephen Fisher wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Christophe Prevotaux wrote:
> > I just installed the K56Flex Card today and we are an ISP in France and
> > we get tons of shitty connection rates with MOTOROLA and OLITEC modems
> > ...
> Such as?

Disconnections , Pausing , 38000 connections ,

Now I get lower speed connection with USR which used to connect at 33600
including my own personal modem from home now I get 31200 and so are
I use a USR Sportster Voice 33.6K .

Old 28800 Olitec modems now have problems connecting , in fact they can
never connect
and they could *before* I had the K56FLEX cards and 3.7.2

> > What does this ERROR status means ?
> You aren't running ComOS 3.7.2, are you? If not, upgrade to it ASAP.

Yes I am running 3.7.2 and since before I had my K56FLEX Cards

> > and what is difference between CIRCUIT DISCONNECT and CIRCUIT
> Nothing, basically. The internal difference is probably just how it was
> detected or something along those lines.
> - Steve
> - Systems Manager
> - Community Internet Access, Inc.
> - Gallup and Grants, New Mexico

Christophe Prevotaux		| HEXANET SARL
HEXANET System Administrator	| Z.A Farman Sud
				| 9 rue Roland Coffignot
Email:	| BP415 51689 Reims Cedex 2 FRANCE
Irc: nighty			| Tel: +33 (0)3 26 79 30 05	
URL:	| Fax: +33 (0)3 26 79 30 06
  ISP/IAP | WEB Developement | Intranet | Network Administration
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