Re: (PM) User-Request Disconnect

Derric Scott (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 11:26:12 -0600 (CST)


> I noticed that what I would consider a "Lost Carrier", unplugging the
> phone line from the modem, results in the PM3 reporting a "User-Request"
> termination cause. I asked Livingston Tech support about this and they
> confirmed that this is the correct termination cause to report for that
> type of disconnection. I was frankly a bit surprised by that response,

I've noticed this too with the PM3. It seems that Livingston has changed
the meaning of "User-Request" with the pm3 modems, relative to what it
means when running with a PM2 with external modems. From posts on this
list, I seem to remember that excessive LAP-M retries will generate a
"User-Request" also - which seems a bit odd too.

Obviously pulling the cord on the modem is NOT a User-Request type
situation but is, clearly, a Lost-Carrier situation (what if a phone tech
cut your wire... why should that show as User-Request). With an external
modem on a PM2, pulling the phone line will certainly give a Lost-Carrier.

Livingston: please make the Disconnect Reasons for the pm3s mean the same
thing as for the pm2s.

Livingston: please provide a finer grain of Disconnect Reasons via
Radius logs soon (comparable to what the PM3 lists on the
"sh mo" screen).



> Lost-Carrier
> Session terminated when the modem dropped DCD. This can indicate any of
> the following: the user or his modem hung up the phone from their end (in
> which case there is no problem), the line was dropped, the line took a noise
> hit too severe for the modem to recover from, or the local modem dropped DCD
> for some other reason.
> User-Request
> Dial-in PPP client requested that we terminate the connection. This
> message is expected from a proper PPP client termination.
> (see
> In any case, it was enlightening to find this out because I think I've
> been telling some customers that their software is disconnecting them
> when in fact it may be something else. This also explains why I've been
> running User-Request disconnect percentages up in the high 90's.
> Chuck Scott
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Derric Scott          Scott Network Services, Inc.         P. O. Box 361353           (205)987-5889               Birmingham, AL 35236
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