Re: (PM) USR modem <-> PM3 problems still? (fwd)

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
13 Nov 1997 09:50:08 +0100

In article <>,
MegaZone <> wrote:
>Once upon a time Stephen Fisher shaped the electrons to say...
>>USR modems. From testing with 28.8k (as per ati3) and 33.6k (as per ati3)
>>USR Sportsters I have noticed that both start slowing down, freezing, and
>>disconnecting within 5-10 minutes in V.42/LAPM mode. They are connecting
>Note that USR *DOES* have a bug. We can't do anything about it.
>There is no way for us to work around it on our end without breaking V.42
>for non-broken modems.

You're going to hate me for this, but how come our old analog Microcom
modems have no problem with it? Are the Microcoms really implementing a
broken V.42 so that they can talk to USRs ?

How about an option to turn this "broken" behaviour on/off ?


   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,    | |       PTT's Het Net: Surfen in de gootsteen!	<*>
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