(PM) address translation (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 17:22:21 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Patric Sandelin shaped the electrons to say...
>Is there a possibility to have IP address translation in the PM3 like..
>they dial in from their network that is on and on our side
>its gonna be their own singel IP that has there mail server and all that
>on? How can it be solved with a PM3 and a Radius?

1. No. You are asking for NAT - network address translation. We do not
support any form of NAT yet.
2. This isn't something a PM-3 or RADIUS can do. It requires a product
that runs NAT software. That is required to translate from one IP to

>We have couple of customer that needs to be dialed up when mail arrives
>we have it well working with our Annex but how is it gonna be solved
>with a PM3 and still have Radius accounting to log it so we can send a
>big bill to them :) ?

I don't follow. What does this have to do with NAT? AFAIK Annexen don't
so NAT yet either. Why not set it up like you did with the Annex?


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