(PM) Aggregating Modems (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 17:19:05 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Zak Wolfinger shaped the electrons to say...
>Digiboard with 2 modems. He wants to be able to aggregate the modems
>dialing into our modem pool (Microcom ISPortes on PM2E-30s). I am under
>the impression that IF he were to get a Livingston terminal server (like a
>PM2E-10 or something) that we can aggregate the connections using
>Livingston's MP implementation. Can anyone clue me in on the specifics

Careful - MP is the official name for mutlilink PPP. What you are talking
about is NOT MP, but rather Livingston multiline load balancing.

>(ComOS 3.3.3) on how to do it, AND what the least expensive piece of

Just have the user dialin twice with the same account and assign the same
IP to both links.

>Livingston equipment the customer will have to buy to do this? We are
>talking analog 33.6K here, anything digital is not a viable solution in

OR-M - one PCMCIA modem, one on S0.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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