(PM) Invalid Login on some ports

Network Admin (netadmin@knotwork.com)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 19:30:35 -0400 (AST)

I have a Portmaster PM-2eR, its been working fine with two or three modems
for years, but adding another modem I find I cannot login to a working PPP
account if I dial in on that modem (or via telnet for that matter). The
working modems still work.

I cannot find anything in the manual about how to set the thing to refuse
logins (perhaps to certain users even?) on certain ports, and the ports
all seem to be set up the same. So I am at a loss as to how it is reaching
the decision that the logins are invalid when they come in on that modem.
Echo of what I type seems to indicate that all characters are being seen.
Is there perhaps a hardware line that must be held high or low to make
apparently-fine characters actually count for password entry? (It echoes
the username fine so presumably the username input counts?)

Is there some obscure setting somewhere that may be set for the working
ports but not for the others? We inherited the box from another ISP who
had only used the first few ports; maybe they did something magickal to
get those ones working and didnt bother to do it to the rest of the ports
since they werent using them yet.

Please reply via email as I am not subscribed to the list, I just
discovered it via a web search engine.

Blessed Be. -MarkM-

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