(PM) Odd report on newly-rebooted PM3

John W Baxter (jwblist@olympus.net)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 11:35:28 -0800

My eye was caught just now by this line of a show modem, in a
newly-rebooted (measured in hours counting on one hand) PM 3 now running
ComOS 3.7.2:

At first glance, that says the modem has taken no calls, and the most
recent of those ended with a CIRCUIT DISCONNECT..

show m15
State: READY
Chars Sent: 0
Chars Received: 0
Retrains: 0
Renegotiations: 0
Total Calls: 1
Modem Detects: 0
Good Connects: 0
Connection Failures
No Modulation: 0
No Protocol: 0
Not Operational: 0
Total Failed: 0
Session Terminations
Lost Carrier: 0
Normal Disconnect: 0

In the details, we see that there has been one total call. If we read this
combination literally, it says that a call which does not result in a
"Modem Detect" is what produces the "CIRCUIT DISCONNECT." report in the
"Disconnect" column of show modem. Or at least one of the things which
produces that report.


John Baxter
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