RE: (PM) Current status Re: 56K and ComOS 3.7.2 or 3.7.3?

Phil Taylor (
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 17:20:27 -0000

> ----------
> From: Zak Wolfinger[]
> Reply To: Zak Wolfinger
> Sent: 11 November 1997 16:26
> To: ''
> Subject: (PM) Current status Re: 56K and ComOS 3.7.2 or 3.7.3?
> Can anyone tell me if the various issues regarding problems with the
> digital modems and ComOS 3.7.2 or 3.7.3 has been fixed?
> I'm referring specifically to the ADMIN problems, reboots, etc. that
> have plagued many people since upgrading to the new digital modems.
I can only say that from my own experience our PM3 has been running with
the new modems and ComOS 3.7.2 (the latest) for over 7 days now. We get
very few connection problems, no reboots and no ADMIN state. I cannot
compare how it performs to the previous 3.7.x releases as I installed
the 56K modems at the same time as upgrading to 3.7.2, we were running
old modems and 3.5c6 before that.

> Also, how much memory should my PM3 have to upgrade to 3.7.x?
Ours shipped with 4M running 3.5 and it still has 4M running 3.7.2, If
you want to run BGP then you will need 16M otherwise 4M seems fine.

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