(PM) Reported Address and Help on ComOS 3.7 (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 04:46:11 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Beth Montes shaped the electrons to say...
>I'm configuring some used PM2e's. When I 'show global',
>they have a "Reported Address". I've never seen
>this parameter displayed before, and can't find where it's
>set or what it might be referring to. Anyone know?

I think that's in the manual - that refers to the IP we report to the
user over PPP or SLIP. Setting a stack of units to the same reported IP
makes them look like one big chassis. Sounds like the old user was using - you can set it to to turn it off.

>Also, since upgrading this PM2e to 3.7, I've lost the ability
>to display help for async port configuration, as in 'help set s1'
>returns no useful info. It does stick **** in front of the usual
>hostname> prompt. Is that a "feature" of 3.7?

Help is majorly incomplete in 3.7. The new help subsystem wasn't ready
yet, but the room was needed for other things. So it was kind of truncated.
Yeah, ugly, but the best plan we had. 3.8 has a new command interpreter
and new a help subsystem.


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