Re: (PM) PM2E Weirdness

Don Lashier (
Sun, 09 Nov 1997 18:44:41 -0800

Otherwise known as "the ping of death". This is well known
problem with a lot of older equipment.

On 11/9/97, at 8:20 PM, Jacob Suter wrote:
>I caused the problem you describe by blasting large ICMP echo requests (
>"(64*1024)+20" bytes if I remember correctly) at the ethernet port of my
>pm2... I'd recomend filtering ICMP from that port at your routers, and
>monitor all icmp traffic that trys to get to that port.
>Lower amounts (anything above 1500 bytes) would cause varying problems..
>first was just a memory leak, then it was a spontanous reboot, then at
>the 64k+20 number, it went totally bizerk and totally locked up our
>network - the passive hub we use here was reporting 100% throughput 100%
>collisions (that was the night I found out it'd beep when the network
>went haywire)... a reboot fixed all the problems above.
>Strange concidence that the 64k+20 was VERY interesting to watch on an
>old linux kernel (2.0.0 is choice).... It'd cause the box to die, and
>in the process wish it was dead.

Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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