Re: (PM) Re: preventing multiple logins solved months ago, now

Jawaid Bazyar (
Fri, 07 Nov 1997 12:09:53 +0700

At 12:29 PM 11/7/97 -0500, wrote:
> ... getting an idea? Read through the archives. The complete solution is
>spread out before you if you can pick Megazone's message out of the giant
heap of
>half-assed (yet sometimes effective) solutions and assorted complaints.

Radius can keep track of who's logged in where and how many times...

 Jawaid Bazyar              |   Affordable WWW & Internet Solutions
 Interlink Advertising Svcs |   for Small Business       |   P.O Box 641               (303) 781-3273
 --The Future is Now!--     |   Englewood, CO 80151-0641  (303) 789-4197 fax

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