Re: (PM) Radius (fwd)

Danny ter Haar (
7 Nov 1997 12:24:01 +0100

MegaZone <> wrote:
>This is why another protocol - like SNMP - is used. Let's use a simple
>case where the limit is one login per user.
>Request comes in - RADIUS checks database.

The cistron radius checkes the rad_utmp file which is updated

>1 - user is not shown as logged in in database. ie, STOPs have been
>received for all Starts. ACK


>2 - user is shown as logged in in database on NAS X. Now you use SNMP to
>query NAS X to be *sure* the user is still on.

That's exactly what cistron radius does.

We use nice utilities like sac to do some statistics on avarage login time etc.
It's also handy to check someone with:

radlast -10 username


Danny ter Haar |   Cistron Internet Services       |  Unix & Internet    | finger for PGP-key |    specialists
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