Re: (PM) Radius (fwd)

Karl Denninger (karl@Mcs.Net)
Thu, 6 Nov 1997 22:30:26 -0600

On Thu, Nov 06, 1997 at 10:18:58PM -0600, Jacob Suter wrote:
> > That's the joy of RADIUS though, it's an open standard, you've got the
> > source. If there's something you simply MUST have it do, write it
> > yourself.
> Reletivly simple solution...
> More than just radius records... say every 'x' minutes there is another
> port on the portmaster that the 'radius' (or another app) checks
> (talking an optimizes protocol)... In a wide scale this could be
> proxied. this would be an advantage to check for lost stop records and
> 'rebooted' portmasters & radius servers :)

Yes and no. Let's say you discover someone cheating using this.

What do you do about it (ie: how do you go back and whack the offending

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