(PM) First time PM2 Config help!!! (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Tue, 4 Nov 1997 01:06:51 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Dahnke, Eric shaped the electrons to say...
>I bought a used PM2e and am trying to configure it for the first time.
>I have PMconsole working and Radius working, but my PM will not
>authenticate users even via the internal users table.

I *strongly* encourage you to go to
<URL:http://www.livingston.com/Tech/Docs/manuals.shtml> and download the
manuals. They are available in PDF, PostScript, and HTML - completely

There are also Tech Notes, Release Notes, etc, which can be found via

>when I do try with RadusNT running I can see that Radius never receives
>an authentication request (There is ethernet activity though)).

Then I would wager RADIUS is misconfigured on the PM.

>Here are my suspicions (go easy I'm new to Portmasters)

I know - which is why I think it is important for you to go over the
manuals. They really help clear things up. Without understanding what
you are doing, you could easily open security holes, etc.

>- Do I need to set a default host? I have a Linux box which I can

Default hosts are only used for login users, not PPP users. And this
has nothing to do with authentication.

>- What type of Port Type (Login?, Network/Login?) do I want for a PM
>users table authentication? (When I switch to Radius authentication?)

Port Type has nothing to do with the users table or RADIUS.

If you want PPP you want either Network (Dialin) or Network/Login (Dialin).
The first allows framed (SLIP/PPP) connects only, the latter also allows
shell logins. You also want ot turn Security on for the ports.

>- What type of Login Service (Telnet, Rlogin, Portmaster) do I want for
>a PM users table authentication?

PPP users don't have a Login Service. This is for shell users only.

>- Do I need to go through this configuring of the modems bit. (This is

Probably. If the modem is not sync'd to the port speed on the PM, you
will not connect.

>about the only parameter I ahve played with) I see that the modem is
>initialized with ATZ. The modems seem to do their job fine - Connect

We do not intialize the modems at all by default. Where do you see it
doing ATZ?

>- I can see that the win95 client is receiving a prompt from the PM. I
>looks like garbage characters though. I assume this is the Login prompt
>with some type of encryption?

Wrong assumption - sounds more like the modems are not sync'd in speed with
the PM, so it is trashing all of the data being passed.


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