(PM) Re: Irrational Reactions to UCE

Damien T. (damient@livewire.comsec.net)
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 22:29:08 -0800 (PST)

At 04:04 PM 11/3/97 -0500, bleargh@net.bluemoon.net wrote:
>I highly resent your interest in having your customers steal my resources
>to advertise at just about no cost to themselves.

Stealing? Interesting concept.

>You can be assured that we'll put your entire zone in our smtp filters
>if I see even one piece of spam from your domains. Every anti-spam zealot
>haven will also get a copy of the spam and your statements below.

In a sad kind of way, you're pretty much proving my point. I chose to play
devil's advocate in this thread because I am disturbed at the irrational,
knee-jerk reaction someone had to a piece of e-mail. To the best of my
knowledge, not a single one of our clients sends out bulk e-mail, yet you've
got out your shotgun and are ready to shoot the messenger anyway.

>I added three more spammer domains to the filter list today, yours was
>almost number four.

Wouldn't have done much, except perhaps preventing you from seeing this e-mail.

>I apologize to list members for the rant, but I'm approaching the
>zero-tolerance level with these net-thieves.

I think you've passed zero tolerance. Your use of words and phrases such as
"rant" and "anti-spam zelot" were quite appropriate in describing the
current state of affairs. I'm resigned to certain types of unsolicited
commercial e-mail, however painting targeted UCE and worthless spam from
bogus domains or bulk mailing outfits with the same brush is counterproductive.

The solution of putting your finger in the dyke every time you spot a leak
(filtering domains) isn't going to accomplish to much, especially when most
ISPs have yet to set up an anti-relay function in sendmail, so that spammers
can take their pick of smtp servers to relay their crap with bogus return

Something does need to be done about that type of spam, and I await the
solution. But targeted e-mail from a vendor rep to it's customers does not
fit that category in my mind. In the interim, I refuse to filter mail "on
behalf of our clients" because I abhore censorship, and I don't have time or
patience to play "Net Nanny." Maybe someday SurfWatch will start selling
smtp filter files to go along with their "adult website" filtering product?

>Now, does anyone talk about Portmasters in here anymore? :)

Yeah. Better than talking about UCE. I've managed to push a few buttons
and the discussion could probably go on forever...but this is not the place.

My apologies for getting so far off topic. Mike, you owe me lunch for
deflecting the focus of attention away from you so quickly <g>!


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