Re: (PM) D Channel Callback Feature and PM3 (fwd)

Christophe Prevotaux (
Mon, 03 Nov 1997 15:42:27 +0000

Tiny Little Feature ? What the hell are you talking about
D Channel Callback IS a major feature for the European market
now maybe we are NOT IMPORTANT compared to the US market
but I doubt European ISP like to be treated like S...T as
I doubt you like being treated in the same manner.

D Channel CallBack is an essential feature in Europe
because of the outrageous pricing we have on leased lines.
And because of the Radio Frequencies Limitation enforced
by the different governement of Europe.

Ok our governement are stupid and should let the freemarket
do its work , but you see French Governement is BOTH
stupid and self centered as well as completely without a clue
about what is good for the industry and economics.

Otherwise we would not have this discussions

Another fact is that in France France Telecom the ONLY
TELCO so far ( read : the TELCO which has the MONOPOLY )
is trying to slow down the market by putting all its strength
in trying to control the ART decisions putting pressure on the
Telecommunication Ministry. And so until 1998 and well after
IMHO we will be stuck with stupid regulations on telecom and


Phil Taylor wrote:
> I'm not really sure what the fuss about D-Channel Call back is anyway,
> as long as the client supports it just disable call answering, this has
> the same effect as the PM3 not completing the call except it is client
> driven.
> I know that the client could then turn on answer and 'hey presto' their
> call charges drop considerably but that's what we have logs for isn't it
> ???
> I have spoken to a couple of ISDN card manufacturers that do support
> D-Channel callback and they were prepared to create a special version of
> their drivers that would not answer calls for this specific reason.
> btw Frank I can see you are slightly p****d off with LE at the moment
> but I don't think that the lack af a tiny feature like D-Channel
> Callback really warrants that sort of reply. I know that the we don't
> give date's stance that LE adopt can be annoying at times but well
> 'lighten up'
> Cheers
> Phil
> > ----------
> > From: Frank Heinzius[]
> > Reply To: Frank Heinzius
> > Sent: 31 October 1997 09:31
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: (PM) D Channel Callback Feature and PM3 (fwd)
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 30 Oct 97 at 18:20, MegaZone wrote:
> >
> > > Once upon a time Christophe Prevotaux shaped the electrons to say...
> > > >I am in France and I would like to know when the ISDN D Channel
> > > >CallBack feature will be included in the COMOS ?
> > >
> > > We don't talk about dates on future products and features.
> > >
> >
> > This should be read as "We donīt care about customer needs or
> > resellers losing their
> > deals due to the lack of basic features".
> >
> > You know why everybody buys Ascend and Cisco?
> >
> > Frank
> >
> > --
> > Frank M. Heinzius MMS Communication GmbH
> > Eiffestrasse 598
> > 20537 Hamburg, Germany
> > Phone: +49 40 211105-0 Fax: +49 40 210 32 210
> > -
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> >
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Christophe Prevotaux		| HEXANET SARL
HEXANET System Administrator	| Z.A Farman Sud
				| 9 rue Roland Coffignot
Email:	| BP415 51689 Reims Cedex 2 FRANCE
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  ISP/IAP | WEB Developement | Intranet | Network Administration
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