Re: (PM) Win NT/95 network

Don Lashier (
Sat, 01 Nov 1997 11:35:32 -0800

On 11/1/97, at 1:16 PM, Jake Messinger wrote:
>On Sat, 1 Nov 1997, Don Lashier wrote:
>> No, they're not referred to as routers, although they
>> actually do perform a routing function. Linksys makes
>> an "internet workgroup hub" for $209 (Datacomm warehouse).
>> It is a four port hub with a serial port for an external
>> modem. There are others, some with two serial ports that
>> do load balancing. Don't recall who makes those offhand.
>Gee sounds like a PM 11 clone. ;-)

Except these cheapo's only do async, but I'd think
they'd work with K56flex.

Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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