Re: (PM) Win NT/95 network
Sat, 1 Nov 1997 09:23:40 +0000

> > I was wondering if anyone on the list might help me out.
> I have a customer who is setting up a network and we are to provide
> Internet connection for her. She has 10 95 machines and a NT server.
> for now she is using only a dialup account on the server for her Internet
> connection. How would I do I set up such a network? I cannot get the server
> to recognize machines on the local network and machines on the Internet,
> I have managed to get the server to be able to go to the Internet,
> but when I do my connection to the Local net dies out. I have tried
> giving the Network card a different IP address than the modem but then
> I get the problem mentioned above.

Sounds like you want to share one modem dialup connection across
their Lan their. If that's the case take a look at
and a product called Ishare, or for an even more expensive and kinda
cool one and a product called IPConnect. These
products are mean for sharing a single dialup connection across the
LAN. They both have good documentation on how to set this up of
course requiring TCP/IP on each WS. It does not take a rocket
scientist to get this going. If ya call puzzle systems, tell them I
sent ya:) They love me so dearly there:)

Jon Clemons
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