(PM) Re: Portmaster Users Digest V97 #306

Saliya Wimalaratne (saliya@hinet.net.au)
Sat, 1 Nov 1997 21:44:48 +1100 (EST)

From: "Tony D'Andrade" <blue@visinet.ca>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 23:21:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: (PM) Network Neighbourhood in Win95

>Hi. I can log on to the network with TCP/IP fine using PPP through my
>PM2e. I am using Unix authentication, however I would like some tips on
>how I can log on to my network and be able to browse remote computers in
>Network Neighbourhood. I am using radius on my unix server and also have

You need:
1) Some sort of SMB service (Samba, NT w/ shares...) on the machine you
want to browse using Network Neighborhood. Whatever the login you have on
the remote machine is, you have to be logged in to Win95 using the *same
login*. Yes. It's dumb.
2) TCP/IP protocol installed (you don't need any others) on your machine.
3) In your DUN settings, have "Log In to Remote Network" or whatever it's
called *checked*.
4) Have a WINS server specified (I had to do this, don't know if it
*should* be necessary). I had to do this in Control Panel (not DUN
5) The "Machine Names" of the machines you are trying to see should be the
same as their hostnames via TCP/IP DNS. Win95 has trouble if they aren't.
6) It's helpful (though not essential) if you're in the same "WORKGROUP"
as the machines you're trying to browse.

... once you login, sometimes you can't use "network neighborhood". But if
you try "net view \\hostname" from the command prompt, where 'hostname' is
the name of the machine you're looking for, you should be able to see a
list of available shares on that machine.

And weirdly (or logically, depending on how you look at it) even if
you couldn't see the host before, once you've done a "Net View" and got
a list of shares, the host should appear in Network Neighborhood !!!!



*****Please delete irrelevant text when replying****
Saliya Wimalaratne * Office: +61 2 4872 2094
Highlands Internet * http://www.hinet.net.au

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