Re: K56Flex/X2 dilemna

David Davies (
Fri, 29 Aug 1997 11:56:31 -0400

> >All in all the big debate really never was an issue on this end. We
> >to mainly business clients and that type of customer usually doesn't
> >about the nuts and bolts. Just solutions.
> >
> If your business clients just want solutions then why wait for Rockwell?
> USR system works flawlessly. I am a Livingston fan who uses USR I-Modems
> PM2's and I have been very patient and kept my mouth shut around this
> Rockwell bunch but let me tell you now that the USR system works
> fine. Don't knock what you don't know anything about. You have no basis
> your criticism because you don't use X2. I do and it works. Nuff said.

Pretty bold statement. I guess you had been hiding in the background when
we boxed up and shipped back our USR chassis. Nice to know someone is
keeping an I on us. Since you obviously are all knowing about our
operations and what equipment we tried out, then you probably also know
that we ran a PM3 and a USR TCC side by side and on PRI's and CT1 lines.
While the PM3 didn't support any flavour of 56K at the time the connect
rates for the PM3 measured 45-60% higher. While I'm sure the USR chassis
works great in an ISDN and straight X2 environment we didn't have that
option. I don't recall ever saying that the USR was useless. ISDN (BRI)
is not priced well enough for our business clients to take advantage of
that. Business accounts pay a metered rate through the TELCO while
residential accounts don't. But you already knew that since you know all
about our operation here.

I remember talking to LE and a few other on the list about using X2 modems
on our PM2's way, way back. Tried it and your right they worked quite
well just not cost effective here. As a matter of fact, I recall trying it
and having a few people tell me that it won't work. Tried it and what do
you know ?......

It's good to see a little aggression in both camps. That's one sure fire
way to ensure we all get a better product in the long run. That's what the
big picture is all about anyway. Anytime you want to use your physic
powers to help us let me know, we can always use another medium to ensure
we make the right decisions in the future.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."