Re: Radius Check Items (fwd)

abla (
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:12:22 -0500

At 12:51 PM 8/28/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Once upon a time abla shaped the electrons to say...
>>I thought i saw once that radius 2.01 added group as a check item?
>Yes it does.
>>if so, where can i find info about it, or what would a group check item
>The RADIUS 2.0.1 Release Notes.

found that info, however.. how does it match? say i use Pusername to
specify PPP sessions
DEFAULT Auth-Type = System, NAS-Port-Type = Async, Prefix = "P"

if i add an identical auth-type verification above this one, but add
,group=mailonly and change service-type to reject for this group
all my users get rejected.. it's like it's matching everything and
ignoring the group because everything else matched..

here's the line i used
DEFAULT Auth-Type = System, NAS-Port-Type = Async, Prefix = "P",
Service-type = Reject

Any ideas?
Thanks, Aaron