Re: dsl and adsl

Mike Taylor (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 23:21:48 +0000 ( )

On Thu, 28 Aug 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> Does the pm 3 or any livingston equipmetn support dsl, idsl or adsl? It
> sounds like a cheap alternative to bri or pri. You can get around the
> tarrifs by ordering a dry pair it would seem.
This is true. All my T-1s come in on HDSL. However, for your purposes,
it would only work point-to-point (could still save you some big bucks).
Basically, you end up running your own mini frame cloud. :)
So, you could do this for all of YOUR downstreams, but you will still have
to pay the telco for yours to get connectivity to the rest of the world.
as a side note uswest wont sell you a dry pairs anymore, unless you are
grandfathered in, just so you can't do the above. YMMV
Won't help you on dial-up lines, but could save you a bundle opposed to

Hope that was opaque enuf for ya.

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