56 K standard ???

Portmaster Users List (portmaster@biz.ctol.net)
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 00:20:27 -0500

What is the current status of a 56K standard and will Livingston be
adopting it when available?

>It will be upgradable to the final standard yes.
>Neither K56Flex nor X2 will become the standard most likely, it will be a
>combination of both :-)
> - Steve
> - Systems Manager
> - Community Internet Access, Inc.
> - Gallup and Grants, New Mexico
>On Wed, 27 Aug 1997, Mail Lists wrote:
>> If, "by slight chance" k56 does not become standard and x2 does, will the
>> Pm3 be able to upgrade to x2? Thanks..
>> Omni