Bogus DCD+ (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 15:40:27 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Christopher H. Dow shaped the electrons to say...
>the modem just fine, but the PortMaster still detected carrier. I

Hmm. Looks wrong, to be sure.

>----------------------- Current Status - Port S0
> Status: USERNAME
> Modem Status: DCD+ CTS+


> Baud Rates: 115200 115200,115200,115200

Ok, dip switch one is not up - it would show 9600. So that isn't it.

> Databits: 8 8
> Stopbits: 1 1
> Parity: none none
> Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
> Modem Control: on on

This is on. Good.

And it shows this with NOTHING plugged into the port? Look at the pins,
nothing is shorting them, right? What about just a cable attached with
no modem? (I've seen signal float high from time to time.) Resetting
the port doesn't help either I take it...

If this persists, I'd open a support ticket - might be an RMA.


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