CRC Errors (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 15:15:06 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Eric Vonheim shaped the electrons to say...
>I have a user that is using the MS System Monitor, and when he monitors the
>CRC Errors, he gets a couple when he dials into my modem pool. Is this

How many is 'a couple'? If it is a one or two kind of thing, ignore it -
no big deal. If it is a lot, then it is something to look into.

>something that is client or server side? Is this something I should be
>concerned with? He says this does not happen when he dials AT&T World Net
>or a local BBS. Any ideas?

That could simply be the different route through the telco network to get
to you.


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