2 questions - pmconsole & radius

Zak Wolfinger (zak@michianatoday.com)
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 15:01:31 -0500

I am having the following problems and hoping someone can shed some light
for me.

1. I am trying to install Livingston's Radius NT 2.0 on my NT 4.0 SP3
server. When I install the DAO (DOA!) it loads up to 75% and then says
that the install is complete - no errors or anything. Radius NT sets up
completely also with no errors. When I try to run Radius NT it states that
it can't start the DAO/Jet engine. I have tried making sure nothing is
running during the install (No POP,SMTP,Post,Imap,HTTP,FTP, or Cold Fusion
services are started) but to no avail.

2. When Running PMConsole in my Win95 (rev B) machine. I can do everything
except check the network stats. When I try to check the net stats, I get
the following error:

PMWCONS caused a general protection fault
in module PMWCONS.EXE at 000c:00002920.

It doesn't matter which PM2E30 or PM3 unit I'm checking, it always crashes.

Can anyone help on either of these?

Zak Wolfinger - zak@michianatoday.com
Systems Administrator - CyberLink, Inc.
(219) 235-1400 or (219) 674-8279