Re: Smart Modular Technologies 56k modem? (again!) (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 12:42:10 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jon Rust shaped the electrons to say...
>The company says these are Lucent K56Flex 1.0 chips and software. Now
>this is where it gets confusing -- which do we want. I thought for the
>PM-3's, we wanted Lucent's 1.1 code. So if they have Lucent's 1.0 code,
>it ain't gonna fly. Right? Someone help?

You're going to love this:

K56flex 1.1 is a protocol level.

This is implemented in Lucent 1.0 and Rockwell 1.0 code.

No, of course they can't make it simple and make the code revision number
match the protocol revision number.


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