Re: Port Not hanging up

Derric Scott (
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 14:26:13 -0500 (CDT)

> > Someone already guessed/asked if this was a PM3... but if it is a modem,
> > we've had this happen on rare occasions (the caller would hang up but the
> > modem would continue to show CD and stay OH). It is usually a modem
> If the PORT is set for modem control off, then doesnt CD stay high all the
> time?

CD comes FROM the modem... but an AT&C0 issued to the modem (or most
modem's default) will keep it high.

The ports/modems/lines I saw this on occasionally worked perfectly 99% of
the time. Just one instance every 8 or 10 months would popup. I think is
was on PPI V.24 modems. Since it was so rare, I think it was either some
kind of screwup between the telcon and the modem or just a case of the
modem losing its mind entirely (the PPIs did that a lot in earlier ROM

Anyway, it's not a problem for us since these modems are really only used
as temporary standins on rare occasions anymore.



Derric Scott          Scott Network Services, Inc.         P. O. Box 361353           (205)987-5889               Birmingham, AL 35236