Modem Retrains

Jordan Mendelson (
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 11:43:17 -0400

Well, I've noticed with a Zoom v1.002 (out of box), there are a high number of
modem retrains. We connect at 50K basically every time, but for some reason,
the Zoom wants to retrain all the time.

We turned off modem retraining, but the problem just gets worse (except it
doesn't retrain, it just stalls).

What is strange is that if I dial up with minicom (using Linux), and connect to
the PM, then download a large file, the modem won't retrain at all, but if I
use pppd (Linux ppp daemon), and connect.. it'll retrain all the time which
wrecks major havok when trying to download files or telnet to places.

Does anyone out there have the same problem with other modems? Is there a newer
firmware for the Zoom which may fix this problem?

If you have zoom customers, check out 'show mXX' to show their modem line and
see if they have a large number of retrains.


Jordan Mendelson     :
Web Services, Inc.   :