USR <insert speed>

Kevin Blumberg (
Sun, 24 Aug 1997 01:35:00 -0400

I've been watching this list for many weeks.....I have an U.S.R courier
that is dropping me many more times now that the PM3 was upgraded to 3.7
from 3.5c6 (old modems). I understand that this is a known issue.It would
really help if all the people on the list:

1. Put the ati7 (or whatever) info in the message.
2. Read the list before hitting the "The same thing
happend to me, and I'm responding to add more mail
to the list" reply button.....

I read the list from home....even if I had a 56kflex v1.*** that's a lot of
mail every day.

Kevin Blumberg

P.S. So as not to call the kettle purple......

USRobotics Courier V.Everything Configuration Profile...

Product type US/Canada External
Options HST,V32bis,Terbo,VFC,V34+,x2
Fax Options Class 1,Class 2.0
Clock Freq 20.16Mhz
Flash ROM 512k
Ram 64k

Supervisor date 06/27/97
DSP date 06/06/97

Supervisor rev 7.2.0
DSP rev 2.2.7