Re: 56k modems (fwd)

Stephen Zedalis (
Sat, 23 Aug 1997 13:43:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 23 Aug 1997, Tom Samplonius wrote:

>On Sat, 23 Aug 1997, Brian Kramer wrote:
>> I will do that. But they spent forever testing it and new usr sporsters v.34+
>> are having lots of trouble. How'd they miss that?
> Because I've got a USR Sportster 33.6 and I don't have problems either.

Because USR will slap the name "Sportster" on just about anything
including Winmodems and ISDN terminal adapters. I have seen USR chipsets,
Rockwell chipsets, and Texas Instruments chipsets, all in modems
proporting to be "USR Sportsters" and there are several USR Sportsters out
there that have someone else's name on them like the Gateway Telepaths.
They don't even all speak the same dialect of the Hayes command set.
So it is natural that what works for one, won't necessarily work for the
72 other flavors of "Sportster". Look in most modem lists, in each there
is usually at least 5 different entries for "USR Sportster".
At least the Couriers are a different division of 3Com/USR and they have
remained very consistent. (Oops, forgot about the Courier I-modem) :)