Re: comos 3.7 disconnects

Jaime Bozza (
Sat, 23 Aug 1997 11:04:17 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 23 Aug 1997, Chris Evoy wrote:

> I have downgraded all units to the old cards and 3.5c6 comos and all are
> users are happy again. (except those with 56k modems :). We saw terrible
> disconnect problems with a *lot* of different modems. Livingston tech

I'm still running ComOS 3.7 and my 56K cards, and I've provided the fixes
for v.42 that were talked about on here. That has fixed (temporarily)
many of the problems, but now I'm still showing this other problem.

The ports seem to just "lock" ... That's the only thing I can call it.
The reason for disconnect (Once the line actually disconnects) is "User
Request - Call Circuit Disconnected" ... I've been on the phone with
these customers, and they're certainly not requesting disconnects.

The v.42/v.42bis problem is probably Lucent's problem, and they are
working on providing a fix (According to Livingston) ... I don't think
this other problem (Ports locking) is a Lucent card problem though.

Can anyone verify this with ComOS 3.7 and the *OLD* modem cards? Customer
calls, seems to be working just fine. Then data stops transferring. If
you try to ping the customer, or check for activity, the line does
nothing. The idle timer doesn't even reset.

After about a minute of the port locking, the call is dropped. RADIUS
shows "User Request", but the disconnect log shows "User Request - Call
Circuit Disconnect" ... I don't know if the old cards will show this.
Someone from Livingston can verify that.

I've been listening to the problems, and it seems quite a few people are
having them. If people with the old cards are *ALSO* having the problem,
perhaps Livingston can look elsewhere. Since the v.42 problem has a "fix"
of sorts that allows the customers to stay online, I think this other
problem is more serious. There is *NO* fix to this port locking problem.

Oh, also, occasionally I see "Port sx stopped too long - flushing packet
queue" ... This is only on the ports that have locked.

Jaime Bozza
Nucleus Communications, Inc.