Re: ComOs 3.7 - Netboot image for Portmaster 2? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 02:01:52 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jake Messinger shaped the electrons to say...
>I think they get behind. Netbooting is not just a way to bring up broken
>portmasters. Some sites do it routinely. So I would think that the netboot
>image should be as current as the currently released com os.

We commonly do not generate latest netboot images. We don't encourage
the practace of regular netbooting. When we get around to it we build
new netboot images.

>their web site so it all jives. I dont think, for example that the latest
>windows kit has 3.7 in the data directory. Ill check it out again.

Probably not. We don't rebuild Pmconsole kits every time we rev ComOS.
Never have. It will have the release that was current when *it* was last


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