Re: 56K Modems - Do I really want mine?
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:53:01 -0500

>Gee.... Someone else with a 760E!!! I am using the old code that came
>with the unit and can connect at 26.4 which is the same I get dialing
>into the Couriers at the site.
Well, the Mwave dialog box will sometimes say 28800, even when the LE side
says 21400 transmit and 28800 receive. I've never gotten better than 21400
transmit with this modem. When I call into my duct tape modem rack (dtmr)
I can't get better than 24600 on the MWave dialog box. Argh!

Hell, I'd pull the thing from the laptop and slip in a Zoom PCMCIA card if
I didn't have 80 of these laptops floating around the world trying to call
me from places that have tin cans for phones.

Mind you, I got the PM3 with a PRI to increase chances of a clean
connection at my end, since I really can't control the end stuck in Brazil,
nor the path it takes to here. So far, I like the unit, and I'm getting a
much better understanding of modem issues and problems, which in the long
run will help me support the people calling from gosh-knows-where. After
some more testing, I'll put the thing in production and let you know if my
opinon changes.

Now, since many of you are ISP's, what are my chances of getting local ISP
dialup connections in Brazil, the UK, France, Germany, Central America,
etc? THEN from the Internet, I'll just VPN to my network here. I want
cheap local connections from hotel rooms that will work at 56K from my
broken Mcrap modems at $0.02 per minute or less. Oh wait, maybe I already
started that alternate life of growing pot...

Dave Truckenmiller