Re: PM3 + CT1 = Frustration! (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 01:17:38 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Alex Rubenstein shaped the electrons to say...
>Except tonight, they said "downgrade to 3.5.1b20" until the wierd lockup
>problems are worked out.

I'd like to know who said to do that, as they should NOT have told you

You need to be running 3.7 for this to be sorted out. Finding as bug in
3.5.1b20 won't mean jack since the code was altered going to 3.7.
Whenever a problem is reported the *first* thing engineering asks is "Are
they running the LATEST release". If not, you will have to upgrade and
go through it again.

>IE: User calls in, computer 'freezes'.

HSP modems I bet. This happened in older revs too. CRAP modems that
can't deal with perfectly legit negotiation.

>infinite wisdom, tells me that 'they have no information as to when the
>fix will be out'. Hrmph.

Bluntly, from what I've seen, it is that the client modem is complete shit.
NOTHING should be able to hang the PC like that. These are the same modems
that can't deal with S3 Virge video cards in the system.

>ninety-something did not recieve modems yet, because 'our form telling
>livingston how many modems we needed was not filled out yet / returned.'

Well, why didn't you?

>My question is, why wasn't this noticed a *long* time ago? How about when
>they got to us in the line, could they have thought, "Gee; we don't have
>the information for this order; shall we call the customer?" Instead, they
>ignored it, and we have yet to get the cards.

When there are over 1000 registrations to deal with, I can easily see how
someone who is lax in responding will end up waiting.

>HoHum. I hope ISPCon is good. Anyone else going?



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