Re: Busies on PM-3's

Jon Rust (
Wed, 20 Aug 97 10:21:44 -0700

On 8/19/97 7:37 PM proclaimed --

>On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Jon Rust wrote:
>> Every now and then, my hunt groups are ringing busy even though there are
>> many lines available. Doing a "sh ses" reveals only a handful of ports in
>> use. A "sh mod" doesn't show anything out of the ordinary either. I know
>> others on the list have seen the problem, but LE has been silent (is this
>> trend?). It happens often enough that it makes me real uneasy. A reboot
>> always cures the problem but rebooting my PM every 4 days doesn't make me
>> happy.
>It could be the telco giving you the problems...

Nope. Judging from the fact that others on the list have reported the
exact same behavior, I seriously doubt it. The first few times it
happened I rushed to get GTE on the horn, had them check everything out,
and the circuit was fine by all their testing. I know, take it with a
grain of salt. Well, it happens too many times. BTW, my Ascend never does
this (PRI out of the same ATT5ESS).

>Then again ComOS etc.... info would help....

Whoops. Knew I forgot something. 3.7. 4 meg (512k available pretty much
all the time). Running PRI from a DMS100 (PM-3 #1) and an ATT5ESS (PM-3
