Re: Information or help (fwd)

David Davies (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 12:38:59 -0400

> This is the situation
> we have had anywhere between 3-5 people call up and say that win95
> up when they call us and try to connect.
> i dont know where to go with this
> so far ive told these people that its there modem.
> but one person in particular used hyperterminal, and it works fine, but
> he uses Dial Up Networking, it freezes. So he really dosent want to
> that its the modem.
> ive got a dumb question, could connecting to the PM's with the new patch
> be doing this???? i dont think so, but im lookin for anything, i just
> figured that it was the storm that zapped peoples modems.

Seen this with some of the software modems (Mwave, WinModems) No solution
just figured you would like to know your not alone. The few clients that
have ahd this happen. Have been waiting to upgrade their modems anyway and
this was a good excuse.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."