Re: Using office routers in remote sites (fwd)

PM Users List (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 08:56:56 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, PM Users List wrote:
> >
> > sorry, my brain was asleep when I posted. We actually do something
> > similar without the need for the remote hardware. We get a residential
> > line in the remote city and call forward it back to the modem pool. We
> > pay the higher " extended calling plan" rate on that line but all the
> In MOST areas, this allows for only 2 paths.

We buy additional paths :) for $3.00 each :)
I'll buy $3.00 phone lines all day long !

> > lusers in that remote city can call that residential # without
> > problems..... works great and is super CHEAP.. It's a great way to test
> > the waters, so to speak, in the new city before committing hardware.
> It does not work correctly in SWB territory unless you order multiple
> paths. We already tried this. SWB SAID it was supposed to work, but we
> could NEVER get more than 2 calls forwarded to our LARGE hunt group from
> outside the hunt group's CO.

We even found one telco that allows multiple paths ( beyond 2 )
BY DEFAULT !!!! Good Telco, Sit....rollover....beg.
