Re: source for pm_command?

Jon Lewis (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 01:54:20 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Brian Grainger wrote:

> > All I can say is PLEASE just give us a DLL. We don't need the
> > source. If you provided a DLL with the appropriate functions,
> > we could actually write some cool programs for the PortMasters
> > and when you guys change the protocol in ComOS 4.0, we can just
> > swap the DLL with your new one, and we working again.
> Count me in on that one too. It wouldn't need a rewrite of
> any of the current utilities, just a documented API for
> the ComOS functions.

Next you'll have all us linux people asking for both a.out and ELF
versions of :)

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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