Re: ComOS 3.7 available for FTP (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 19:51:14 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Richard Morrell shaped the electrons to say...
>Do you really need to run the 3.5.1 betas to connect at speeds above 28.8?
>I've been running 3.5c6 on my PM3 and have been getting 33.6 connects
>fairly regularly with my USR Sportster at home. I do get the odd 31600
>connect, but its the exception, not the rule. :-)

31600 would be QUITE odd, since 31200 is the step down. ;-)

3.5c6 has the same modem code as 3.5.1b8, which does have more known issues
than later code as in b20 and 3.7


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