56k how? Summary please!

Fraser Campbell (fraser@greynet.net)
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:10:35 -0400 (EDT)

We have PM2eR-30s. I have seen a message on this list saying that they
can support 56k modems - is this true or do we have to upgrade to PM3s?

Also, can someone explain what is required to implement 56k ...
channelized T1? How would this get split into individual lines and then
connect to non-digital modems? Can someone point me to a good web page
or FAQ regarding this information ... or email me privately if you feel
this is off topic or already covered.


* Fraser M. Campbell, Hanover, Ontario, Canada N4N 3C4 *
* Email: fraser@greynet.net Phone: (519) 364-6115 *
* URL: http://www.greynet.net/fraser/ *