Re: 56k Modems

Marty Likier (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 10:28:59 -0700

At 11:51 AM 8/19/97 -0400, Alexander Morales wrote:
>Well I just called a bunch of "56k" manufacturers and most will not come
>out with a version 1.0 for a few month. The only one I can find was the
>Supra Express and that is in beta. I called hays and they had no idea of
>when a version 1.0 will come out for any of their modes and the same goes
>for the rest of the people you have on that http:link. MY customers ask me
>what modem should they buy and I have no idea what to tell them, just Supra
>I guess. I also cant find a single one that makes a PMCMCIA version 1.0
>Kflex. Looks like it will be a LONG time before we will see most of the
>56k flex modems support the livingston version, ALL of them support
Ascend. :(

Say what you like, but I have a commitment from the director of marketing
at Hayes and he stated they would have v1.0 flash on the web by the end of
the week.

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.