Re: Hey we're live (fwd)

David Davies (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 08:56:37 -0400

> Once upon a time David Davies shaped the electrons to say...
> >up. Kind of hard to believe it's a back plane problem but hey what do I
> >know :-)
> It is. I thought we'd managed to recall that batch of chassis. We
> it before the bulk ever hit customers. That was early on. Kind of
> that you didn't see it with the old cards - but the symptoms are exactly
> right.
I guess that's what you get for being one of the 1st fish to crawl out of
the ocean. Never saw it before with the other cards though. Weird.....

You know, you would think that since everything is tracked by serial
number, someone could have called..... :-) Just kidding no sense fixing
a good wheel..

Got the new one yesterday we'll have to see what happens.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."