
Kevin Smith (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 11:43:46 -0700

This is Kevin Smith's email autoresponder. I'm currently unavailable
to answer your email, so please choose from one of the following options:

a) If you have a problem with your Ascend MAX, upgrade to the latest version.
It will fix your problem entitled "Re:".

b) If you are replying to a message I sent to you, I will get to it when I
return from the beach. Thank you for your patience.

c) If this is a message telling me how great I am, please be sure to copy my
boss too.

At 11:18 AM 8/14/97 -0500, Jake Messinger wrote:
>I dont upgrade my ascend's anymore. They work like they are. I get tired
>of Ascend's answer to ALL MY QUESTIONS: Upgrade the firmware and it will
>fix __<insert problem here>__ >
