Re: Global Village modems

Jordyn A. Buchanan (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:52:41 -0400

At 11:16 AM -0700 8/14/97, Jon Rust wrote:

>Macs older than a centris/quadra should probably hang around the 38400
>mark (this would include LC, LCII, LCIII, performa 400 - 46x and 55x, the
>entire MacII series, and Mac Classics). Centris/quadra owners (as well as
>performa 47x and 57x owners) can go up to 57600. PowerMac owners can go
>all the way to 115200 (they can support much higher than that actually).
>Global Village's Gold (14.4) modems will be happy at 38400 on most any
>Mac. Platinum (28.8/33.6) should be at 57600 most all the time, except
>for the older Macs which should only go to 38400. GV's modems don't seem
>to like the 115200 settings, but I haven't had a chance to play with 56k
>versions yet. Bronze (2400) and Silver (9600) GV modems shouldn't be used
>for inet access if you ask me (nor should any modem less than a 14.4).

Sidenote: if you do try to use a Bronze modem, the port speed must be set
to 2400 bps, or it simply won't work. I think the same thing applies to
Silver modems as well, but I'm not 100% sure.

>>AT&F1 for TelePort Silver, Gold, Gold II, and Mercury
>>AT&F1 for the Platinum
>AT&F1 will work almost every time. Flow control should be set to CTS Only.

In my experience, AT&F1 often has problems, especially if you are trying to
connect to non-Rockwell modems. Here is the init strings that we use to
best effect:

Bronze: AT&F
Silver, Mercury, Gold: AT&F1
Gold II: AT&F1W1&D2%E2%C1
Platinum: AT&F1&K3W2

Sometimes turning off compression (%C0) is handy. The Gold II modems are
really poor, in my opinion, and Global Village modems are generally some of
my least favorite modems to deal with. (No, that's not Mac bashing; I like
Macs a lot, just with other modems plugged into them.)

>Of course you can get around all this crap by updating to a more current
>version of the MacOS. Open Transport replaces MacTCP, and OT/PPP replaces
>MacPPP (or FreePPP). OT/PPP auto-selects init-strings and port speeds for
>you. No need to worry. Just select your modem from the list in the Modem
>control panel. MacOS 7.6 shipped with OT/PPP, as does MacOS 8. For System
>7.5.x and 7.1 owners, you can find it online at

Too bad the list of Modems with OT/PPP is incomplete and often less than
perfect. The "USR Universal" script with MacOS 8 in particular seems to be
problematic, and OT/PPP doesn't seem to have a mechanism to auto-detect
modems like FreePPP does.


|Jordyn A. Buchanan |
|Bestweb Corporation |
|Senior System Administrator +1.914.271.4500 |